Questions & Answers – European March for Ukraine


What is that? Long distance March from Berlin to Lviv.
When shall that happen? Start shall be February 24th 2025 from Berlin.
Who is organising the March? People from the Czech initiatives Občanský rozcestník (Michal Majzner, Václav Čapek) and Czech, Ukrainian initiative Voice of Ukraine (Lucie Levková, Anastasia Sihnaievska) – in Prague in cooperation with other initiatives like Kroky pro demokracii Česká Lípa and Síť Aktivních občanů Hradec Králové. We have links to active citizens and organisations accross Europe and willing to find primarily long-distance marcher(s) as well as other initiatives which can become main organisers as well.

Who are we looking for?  Primarily long-distance marcher(s) who will walk that long journey. That on itself would be very interesting story promoting the idea of Estonian plan for Ukraine thanks to interviews with media etc. and actions in cities along the way.
Why are we planning that? Because Europe can and should finally use its economic strength – create financial instrument for defense of Ukraine, borrowing yearly 0,25 to 0,5% of GDP which is 100 billion euro per year. It is fully in power of Europe (post-pandemic fund was made for 800 billion euro) and it is something that russia cannot do. We have access to financial markets, we have strong economies and this is critically important situation. Many people talk about defense capacities, but these capacities are sufficient in the world, including Europe, US, South Korea, Ukraine. What is missing is only the will to fund it.
How long would be the March? Approximatelly 1550 km, roughly 2,5 months if average daily journey is 20 km.
Is it possible? Yes it is. There was in the past for example March from Berlin to Greece and Lebanon (Civil March for Aleppo). And we tested the European March for Ukraine by 2 shorter marches.
What could be a support for long-distance marcher? We are planning crowdfunding to cover some travel costs (accomodation for example) looking for place to stay, organising events and accompaniing the core marchers by well known persons, other marchers and events in cities along the route.
Are you looking also for other roles for the March? Yes, critical is to find long distance marcher(s) to make the march possible, but we are also looking for short distance marchers, organisers, crowdfunding support, help with promotion, graphics etc.
Where can be found more information? On our main page where we prepared also presentations and full Q&A section and form where you can submit any helpful information.


Why are you organising the European March for Ukraine?

Because we want Europe to create a robust common defence fund for Ukraine, in line with the so-called Estonian Plan (link to our campaign Estonian plan), which is a clear roadmap for securing peace in Europe soon.

But why do you feel the need to organise such action?

We as Europeans do not yet even talk about needed and realistic option of raising enough money, while there are clear financial paths – for the most important task we have – to stop Russia, to deliver peace.

That is why we are trying different ways for waking up Europe for securing massive defense fund for Ukraine, for Europe – until there is time left.

Why do we need the defeat of Russian aggression against Ukraine?

Europe has great economic power (more than 8 times the GDP of Russia, the whole of NATO is 20 times bigger economically) and must be able to defend democracy, human rights and the basic rules of the continent. According to historian Timothy Snyder, we are now in a similar situation to 1938. Either we stop a mad dictator in time, or it will cost us many times more. And it would be far from just in money… It is necessary to accept that this is once again an existential struggle with evil. Putin’s forces are organizing torture chambers, concentration camps, and the Russian leader is decorating the commanders who perpetrate these horrors.

How does the Estonian plan address the filling of the defence fund so that it is sufficient to stop the Russian forces? 

Over 100 billion euros a year, or just 0.25% of Western GDP, can be raised mainly through the possibility of joint borrowing on the financial markets. We have detailed in our article called European joint debt options – how this can be done without some countries wanting to block it. Russia has no such access to financial markets.

But apart from money, is there also a lack of production capacity in the defence industry?

In Western Europe, to some extent, yes. But the main problem is really finance. There is plenty of capacity around the world, but as has been repeatedly said, for example, by the Czech Ammunition Initiative, it is mainly money that is lacking. In addition, Ukraine has its own large underground capacity and could produce much more, and money could flow to it through materials, contracts and cooperation with European companies, which, in addition to greater security (that is the main thing), will allow European money to flow back into the European economy.


Who is organising the initiative?

People from the Czech initiatives Občanský rozcestník (Michal Majzner, Václav Čapek) and Voice of Ukraine (Lucie Levková, Anastasia Sihnaievska) in cooperation with other initiatives like Kroky pro demokracii Česká Lípa and Síť Aktivních občanů Hradec Králové, with active citizens in Germany and elsewhere.

When will the March happen?
In the first phase, in autumn 2024, we have organised first shorter test marches in the Czech Republic – the initiative was joined by a March from Hradec to Hrádeček (October 5th) and also longer, 3 day march from Česká Lípa to Prague took place that weekend. It was the first rehearsal for the later long march. There was a relay handover and an accompanying final event in Prague. Every marcher was walking 1-2 days sleeping at home or at relatives.

We are also in contact with colleagues in Munich and Nuremberg, where they are also considering a pilot march.

In the second, main phase, we want to organize a march from Berlin through the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland to Lviv, Ukraine. We have already estimated the route for about a two-month march. This march should take place no later than spring 2025.

Who will mainly participate in the march?
Supporters of Europe, Ukraine – citizens of European countries – Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine and others.

How will the resulting long march take place?
It will be a relay march. Some people may walk a large part of the way, but we anticipate that most people will walk one-day or multi-day portions. Sections will be primarily walking or running, or some sections may be biked by agreement, but walking is preferred. Overnight stays will be organised by the participants themselves. We are looking for organisers and walkers, please write us in short form if you can be one along the journey or if you know someone to join.

How do you imagine the march will make itself known?
From the nature trails, we envisage sharing the slogan of the march (e.g. Europe needs robust european fund) on smaller banners carried by participants. Publicity will also be helped by well known persons joining in on some sections and sharing the journey on their social media.
In the larger cities, we then foresee side events – e.g. panel discussions, street events (rallies, concerts), appeals to politicians – everything in support of the Estonian plan for Ukraine and with sharing experience from the March.

More information, you can find in attached presentation (pptx and pdf versions):

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