European March for Ukraine

UPDATES: We have organised first pilot marches (please find links below). This is an important milestone on the path towards really long march – from Berlin to Lviv. Please find pictures below. We are now primarily looking for at least one long distance walker, citizen of EU who feel similar urgency as us – to finally build defense wall thanks to European economical strength. Plan is that the story of such marcher(s) would help to promote the idea of joint defence fund. We would organise all other people to support the longer marchers by crowdfunding for the necessary travel costs, organise events in cities and promote the march.

Please read the presentation below and join us thanks to short Google form for preparations of important march which will bring robust defense fund for Ukraine closer. In the form you can write in which way you could help the march to become reality (long walker, short walker, you do know some tip, someone else, being organiser, fundraiser or other).

Overall European March for Ukraine – long march presentations updated by pictures from pilot Marches – in pptx and pdf:

First test European Marches for Ukraine – event pictures and news articles / October 2024

  • March 1 – three day test walk in Czech republic from Česká Lípa to Prague (link to Facebook event) – October 3rd – 5th.

Pictures and news coverage regarding the event:

March 3rd – Barbořin most – by Robert Fedorčák
March in final destination – in Prague – October 5th (by Anton Filonenko)

Coverage of the march, pictures:

March from Trutnov to Hrádeček – by Lucie Javůrková

We have also published Questions & Answers regarding European March for Ukraine. You can read about PURPOSE of the initiative and also PRACTICAL MATTERS.

We do have a plan: to be inspired by other marches and organise European March for Ukraine. Goal of the March shall be to promote sufficient action for peace: create European joint debt fund for defense of Ukraine.

Please read information below and look at the following short form where you can describe your preliminary willing for participation or just ask a question in our ongline (google) form.

Would you like to help this idea, walk, participate or just share your opinion or other idea? Marches shall take place first in September / October 2024 – according to your possibilities.

Main information regarding this combined rally for Ukraine and how to join

Latest information regarding the March

Facebook page of the initiative.

Here you will find latest information regarding the March: preparation update, especially list which part of the way we already have covered and how it evolves regarding route of different Marches (routes will be designed according to interest, coverage of volunteers, participants of the walk.

Logo, banners, posters, all you can find on European March public google drive.

Preliminary route maps European March for Ukraine – preparation for future (2024 will not have one long march but more smaller)

Map for probable route of long European March for Ukraine from Berlin to Lviv

Archive / older options of long march route:

Czech republic (starting from beginning of October)
– Archive / plan for future / not 2024

Poland and Ukraine (starting from end October)
– Archive / plan for future / not 2024

Back to campaign Estonian plan for Ukraine – this March is part of the campaign.